For the longest time, science has resisted studying the positive benefits of alternative healing. But, since the late 1990s, and more so during the early 2000s and today, their tune has changed. Meditation, acupuncture, yoga, tai chi, sound healing, and Reiki have become more widely accepted healing practices in the general public, medical field and you’ll even find them as added services within hospitals. Studies over the years have acknowledged the positive benefits of all six healing methods through emotional, mental, and physical observations. When it comes to spiritual benefits, documentation is primarily through storytelling from first-hand experience with patients. These studies, for the most part, have primarily been observed with person-to-person interactions.

But, what about the concept of Distance Healing (also known as remote healing)? Could this approach to alternative healing still provide positive health benefits?

Before jumping in, let’s start with a brief discussion about energy through the lens of the quantum field, also known as quantum mechanics. Why? These days, the quantum field has become part of the foundation to help us understand what energy is, where it comes from, and how it works.


“All is energy (all physical things),” said Cellular Biologist, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., who studies quantum mechanics in America. Dr. Lipton refers to energy as “the field” and shares the entire makeup of our world and universe is sitting in “the field” of energy. The Field acts as a communication system that is constantly broadcasting unique vibrations to and from everything and everyone.

Based on his research, the field needs to have a harmonistic resonance that could be achieved or dismantled through the process of entanglement, which leads to interference. Entanglement depends on the type of CONSCIOUSNESS, INTENTIONS, ACTIONS, SURROUNDINGS ( this could include your home, workspace, and the land itself) and PEOPLE you interact with. Thus, creating the ebb and flow of wave particles in a cosmic dance around and through us. Interference is the result of those interactions. You could have Constructive interference (good vibes) or Deconstructive interference (bad vibes).

Referring back to distance healing, the theory in how it could work during the process of giving and receiving is said to be through intention and consciousness. What is intention? The intention is choosing to focus on a goal, reason, or purpose for engaging in thought or activity. What is consciousness? According to some branches of ancient Greek philosophy, paganism, and Buddhism, consciousness is everywhere and in everything; in people, the stars, animals, plants, the earth, microbes, photons, etc. This belief in consciousness is known as panpsychism, which literally means that everything has a mind.

Modern-day science has largely dismissed panpsychism — until recently. Because the understanding of what consciousness is and how it works does not fit into the conversation of other natural laws; matter, space, time, etc. A shift in how to explain consciousness for modern-day science is being developed. Scientist, Dr. Giulio Tononi, is proposing consciousness should be its own natural fundamental law. He calls it; high phi, high consciousness. Based on his formula, Dr. Tononi is saying all things have a consciousness that appears in the physical system (our 3D reality that we currently live in and are experiencing) which contains varying degrees of highly interconnected pieces of information. And this is what panpsychism has been saying, by summing it up with, “All are sentient beings that are interconnected.”


When conducting long-distance healings, healers are tapping into the field of energy, without being physically present with another person. Intention aligns the reason for the healing and consciousness creates momentum and projection of that focused healing toward that person or group of people.

Given the times we are currently living in with being mandated to practice ‘social-distancing,’ more than ever do we need to dismantle the illusion of limitations. This meaning, we are capable of so much more than only in-person connections and healings. That belief is a third-dimensional frequency, which is very linear and confined to the mind.


The quick answer is, YES! Based on modern-day laboratory studies, they found positive benefits among participants with distance healing that ranged from helping to reduce anxiety and even some pain within the body. Naturally, there are variables to everything, such as the receptivity of the person receiving the healing, to the years of experience and well-being of the healer who is giving the healing.

If skeptical, that is perfectly fine and welcomed. So, before totally judging something you don’t understand, expand your own awareness and consciousness through first-hand experience. If you wish to dig even deeper, feel free to review these scientific studies published in NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). Again, modern-day science is only beginning to investigate the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the field.



New York City Feng Shui Master — Laura Cerrano

NYC Certified Feng Shui Consultant, Teacher, Researcher, Author, Artist & Public Speaker | NYC, Long Island, California.